Accelerating the shift to permanent removals
we create investment opportunities in carbon removal projects by making these bankable – we find offtakers for carbon credits, and commercialize the projects to reduce risk


Providing an investment opportunity in carbon removal SPVs
ReCarber orchestrates the financing of carbon removal projects. This means we invest in the projects ourselves, and offer great investment opportunities in well known special purpose vehicle structures (SPVs) for both equity and debt providers.
See how ReCarber works & provides great investment cases
Challenges leading to projects not being started today
Large point emitters, such as energy plants or pulp & paper companies, want to do carbon capture projects. However, today point emitters run into several problems that ReCarber to solve:
Carbon removal projects are CAPEX intensive. While many point emitters have strong balance sheets, they might not have strong margins, have alternative investments to be done, and do not necessarily want to invest in something that is not considered as part of the their core business.
Securing off-take and revenue streams is key to making projects bankable. However, buyers of carbon credits are often in other industries, and the value chain to get the carbon credits sold is complex. This makes it hard to secure the necessary revenue for the projects.
Carbon removal projects are complex. While emitters can often handle carbon capture very well, it needs to be matched to transportation, storage, financing and off-take for optimal unit economics.
How ReCarber gets carbon removal projects going
ReCarber helps emitters with revenue management and finding offtakers to make the projects bankable. Our supply side platform means we can do this efficiently, and with reduced transaction cost. With our expertise in the value chain, transportation and storage, we ensure the projects are commercially viable and provide solid returns.