Our services for emitters
from just being your partner securing offtake agreements, to taking on the whole project with carbon capture as a service

& revenue management


Commercial partners
& project development
Get your carbon removal project faster to market and with lower risk
By helping emitters to find offtakers and investing in the infrastructure we bring your carbon removal project to market faster and with reduced risk.

Overview of a ReCarber project

Offtake & revenue management
To make the projects bankable, we match emitters and buyers of high quality carbon credits. Our supply-side platform integrates to parties across the whole value chain to make this process easier, and faster, allowing to take investment decisions and going live faster.

Orchestrating funding
We invest in carbon capture projects, and become owners of the necessary infrastructure to complete a project. Having the expertise in the value chain from capture, transport, to storage and revenue generation allows us to de-risk each project and making it attractive for our equity and debt investors.

Commercial partners & project developers
Carbon capture projects are complex. ReCarber has expertise from successful carbon capture project, as well as transportation and storage of CO2. We ensure the projects we engage in get successful commercially.

Do you have a site that is an ideal
candidate for ReCarber?
Our typical projects are based on emitters with >100 000 tonnes of CO2 per year from biogenic sources.
In many cases the projects have already come far in their planning process for carbon capture as we start working with them – but we also engage in early dialogues, and work with greenfield developers.
Our platform can accelerate your project
We integrate all necessary parties in the value chain to make sure emitters, buyers and all necessary parties in between can work efficiently – making sure we get offtakers onboard faster, more easily – and with lower transaction cost.