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Accelerating engineered carbon removals 

We plan to remove CO2 on a gigaton scale using engineered carbon removals. To succeed, we believe a unifying force & smart tools are needed.

ReCarber is commercializing carbon removal projects, financing the infrastructure, and having a platform to efficiently match emitters with buyers of carbon credits (CDRs). This holistic approach enables carbon removals faster, cheaper, and with less risk.

carbon removal

Carbon removal projects
faster to market

By helping to find offtakers and investing we bring carbon removal projects to market faster and with reduced risk for emitters, and reduced cost for buyers.
Carbon Removal Contract

Easier access to
carbon credits of high quality

We develop engineered carbon removal projects from biogenic emitters – generating the highest possible quality of carbon removal credits (CDRs)
from biogenic sources.


What ReCarber does & 
how we can help you


Our services for emitters

From just being your partner securing offtakers – to taking on the whole project with carbon capture as a service.
Carbon credit offtake
& revenue management
Orchestrating funding

Project developers
Commercial partners
& project development


Buy high quality carbon credits

CDR credits from biogenic emitters,
fulfilling the highest criteria


Invest in green infrastructure

Invest in gigatone scale carbon removal infrastructure,
using technology based solutions
Removing CO2 with BECCS

Focusing on BECCS projects

ReCarber is focused on BECCS projects (Bio Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage). This technology means we take a plant using biomass to make something useful out of it (such as energy and district heating), and install equipment to capture the CO2 emitted and then store it permanently underground. It can be seen as the opposite of taking up fossil fuels – we take biomass and store it permanently under ground.
This results in a negative CO2 emission, allowing ReCarber to issue a carbon credit (CDR) to be purchased.

Our platform can accelerate your project

We integrate all necessary parties in the value chain to make sure emitters, buyers and all necessary parties in between can work efficiently – making sure we get offtakers onboard faster, more easily – and with lower transaction cost.
Supply-side software platform
Kristoffer Labuc, Syrie Crouch & Susanna Backman

Work with the
absolutely best experts

Our senior team has expertise from some of the largest CCS and BECCS projects realized, buying carbon credits, infra project development, project finance, financial services, and scaling successful companies.
Kristoffer Labuc, Syrie Crouch & Susanna Backman

Get in touch

ReCarber is open to talking to the entire eco-system of carbon removals. Whether you are an emitter looking to do a BECCS project, a potential buyer of high quality carbon credits, investor looking for green investments, or a potential partner – contact us today:

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All rights reserved, ReCarber AB. Organizational number
559449-2240. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.

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